Unit 3. Chronic and Long-term Toxic Effects of Pesticides on Human Health.

This presentation gives basic information on the chronic and long-term effects of pesticides on human body. The concentration is on the following adverse effects on humans: Pesticides and Cancer, Reproductive Toxicity, Congenital Malformations, Delayed Neurotoxicity and Immune System Suppresion by Exposure to Pesticides. Epidemiological case-control studies has shown a higher risk of malignant diseases of the haemopoetic system, as lymphoma, leukaemia and multiple myelomas, after professional exposure to herbicides and insecticides; carcinoma of the testesthe gastrodigestive tractthe liver and the brain, observed in farmers; cases of cancers in children, whose mothers have been exposed to pesticides. Occupational Exposure to fumigants during production and application could cause sterilityazospermia and oligospermiaSterilityspontaneous abortions and still births are more frequent in cases of excessive exposure to pesticides of both parents.

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