Module 6. Environmental Toxicology
Module 6: Environmental Toxicology
Date of release/last update: created 15-3-2016, last version 17.02.2017
- Camelia Draghici (UTBv)
- Ileana Manciulea (UTBv)
- Lucia Dumitrescu (UTBv)
- Dana Perniu (UTBv)
- Cristina Rotaru Salca (UTBv)
- Merja Mäkelä (XAMK)
- Mirva Pilli-Sihvola (XAMK)
- Kim-Laura Kern (XAMK)
Short descriptions
The goal of the module is to understand the correlation between the sources of toxic emissions and the assessment systems of emissions and immissions, according to personal and authoritative rights and duties related to toxic pollutants. The content and activities are discussed based on the pollutants’ flow: source – transport – targeted environmental components.
Intended learning outcomes
Learning objectives:
After learning this module, students will be able to:
- understand the sources of toxic emissions
- evaluate the environmental impact of toxic compounds in
emissions and immissions
- evaluate personal and authoritative rights and duties with
toxic pollutants.
Learning outcomes:
After learning this module, students will be able to:
- describe and interpret the processes schemes generating
anthropogenic toxic emissions using schemes, process flow charts and diagrams
- compare the level of toxic pollutants evacuated in the
environment, with the related concentration limits, according to specific
- assess the influence of the toxic compounds released on the
public health
- assess safety conditions and apply related safety regulations when dealing with toxic substances.
Module structures
6.1 European and National Regulations Related to Environmental Quality (2 ECTS)
- Establishing the European legislative framework and specific
toxic pollutants
- National harmonization of EU legislation on toxic pollutants
- Legislative correlations
6.2 Control of Emissions from Anthropogenic Activities and Safety (2 ECTS)
- Sources of toxic emissions
- Measuring, monitoring and control of emissions
- Safety aspects
6.3 Introduction to the Environmental Quality Monitoring System (1 ECTS)
- Environmental monitoring scheme and related activities
- Environmental sampling and analytical measurements
- Environmental data processing and reporting
6.4 Monitoring the Environmental Quality - Air, Water, Soil (2 ECTS)
- Air quality monitoring
- Waters quality monitoring
- Soils quality monitoring
Estimated workload
7 ECTS: 196 hours
- Bachelor, Master and Doctor students of energy and
environmental technology
- Power plants, industry, agricultural and other operators,
project and maintenance engineers
- Authorities in energy and environmental sector
- Environmentally aware citizens
Available languages
First in English by authors, then in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian and Finnish by partners.

Topic 6.1 European Union and National Regulations Related to Environmental Quality (2 ects)
This topic summarizes the regulations of authorities. Following European Union and national guidelines will be given for:
- accepted limits of toxic pollutants in air, water and soil (emissions and imissions)
- integrated pollution, prevention and control
- environmental monitoring.
Learning objective
After learning this topic, students will be able to
to evaluate personal and authoritative rights and duties related to toxic pollutants.
Learning outcomes
After learning of this module, students will be able to
- compare the level of toxic pollutants evacuated in the environment, with the related concentration limits, according to the specific European Union and national regulations.
- Teacher: Jéssica Amorim
- Teacher: Alfredo G. Casanova
- Teacher: Camelia Draghici
- Teacher: Lucia Dumitrescu
- Teacher: Luca Ferrari
- Teacher: Stefano Girotti
- Teacher: Luigi Guerra
- Teacher: María Teresa Hernández
- Teacher: Merja Makela
- Teacher: Ileana Manciulea
- Teacher: Roberto Mandrioli
- Teacher: Laura Mercolini
- Teacher: Premysl Mladenka
- Teacher: Ana Morales
- Teacher: Dana Perniu
- Teacher: Moisés Pescador
- Teacher: Mirva Pilli
- Teacher: Jana Pourova
- Teacher: Marta Prieto
- Teacher: Michele Protti
- Teacher: Fernando Remiao
- Teacher: Salca Rotaru
- Teacher: Renata Silva
- Teacher: Lubomir Simeonov
- Teacher: Anca Vasilescu
- Teacher: Laura Vicente
- Teacher: Marie Voprsalova

Topic 6.2 Control of Emissions from Different Anthropogenic Activities (2 ects)
This topic concentrates on the methods how to affect the toxic compounds (gases, liquids and particulate matter) coming from
- power production based on the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and renewable fuels (biomass, municipal waste), and on the use of radioactive materials
- industrial activities
- transport (roads, railways, maritime, air traffic)
- extractive activities and natural resources processing (solid minerals, oil, natural gases)
- agricultural activities
- wastewater treatment and different deposits (waste, ash, sludge).
In addition, safety related issues are discussed.
Main learning objectives
The main learning topics are
- toxic emissions coming from power production
- measurement, monitoring and control of emissions in power production
- safety with emissions.
Learning outcomes
After learning this topic, participants will be able to
- explain how to measure and monitor emissions in power production
- describe and analyze basic methods how to affect the production processes generating toxic emissions, using, process flow charts and diagrams
- assess safety conditions and apply related safety guidelines when dealing with toxic substances.
- Teacher: Merja Makela

This topic discusses the monitoring systems:
- general environmental monitoring scheme and related activities
- principles of sampling and sample pre-treatment
- analytical methods applicable for pollutants measurements in environment; quality requirements for analytical measurements
- data collection, processing and reporting.
- Teacher: Camelia Draghici
- Teacher: Lucia Dumitrescu
- Teacher: Ileana Manciulea
- Teacher: Dana Perniu
- Teacher: Salca Rotaru
- Teacher: Anca Vasilescu

This topic discusses the monitoring systems for air, water and soil quality:
- monitoring systems organisation at different levels, for air, water and soil quality
- specific sampling and sample pre-treatment requirements for air, waters and soils samples
- standard analytical methods available for pollutants measurements in air, waters and soils samples
- reporting the results obtained from environmental monitoring
- Teacher: Camelia Draghici
- Teacher: Lucia Dumitrescu
- Teacher: Ileana Manciulea
- Teacher: Dana Perniu
- Teacher: Salca Rotaru
- Teacher: Anca Vasilescu