Module 3: Principal Groups of Xenobiotics
Date of release/last update: created 22-04-2016, last update 04-12-2017
- Roberto Mandrioli (UniBo)
- Stefano Girotti (UniBo)
- Luigi Guerra (UniBo)
- Laura Mercolini (UniBo)
- Michele Protti (UniBo)
- Luca Ferrari (UniBo)
Short descriptions
This module describes the main toxicological characteristics of prescription and abuse drugs, and their differences from legal and scientific points of view. Analytical methods for their qualitative and quantitative determination in different biological and non-biological matrices will be described and discussed. The most important aspects of regulations in the pharmaceutical sector will be provided and explained.
Intended learning outcomes
At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:
- describe the main sources and contents of regulations in the
pharmaceutical sector;
- identify, understand and follow GLP and GMP;
- understand the difference between prescription drugs and
abuse drugs;
- know and identify the most important toxicological effects
of drugs;
- find, understand, evaluate and use scientific and official
publications to analyze different kinds of pharmaceutical and toxic substances;
- apply the information received to a forensic setting.
For each class of abuse and prescription drugs, the student
should be able to:
- Cite and identify the main members of the class;
- Hypothesize one or more possible analytical strategies that
could be suitable for most drugs in the class;
- Search the literature and find relevant papers and
guidelines for the sampling, sample pre-treatment and analysis of the drugs
belonging to the class;
- Participate in, and contribute to, decisional processes and
practical work related to forensic and other highly regulated analytical
- Actively participate in certification and accreditation
Module structures
3.1 Prescription drugs (2 ECTS)
- Toxicology
- Forensic analysis
- Case reports
- Pharmaceutical sector regulation: GLP, GMP, certification,
accreditation, ICH, case studies
3.2 Drugs of abuse (2 ECTS)
- Drug toxicology
- Forensic analysis
- Case reports
Estimated workload
4 ECTS: 112 hours
Students in the health professions, physicians, hygienists, chemists, pharmacists.
Available languages
Basic language - English. Then translation into native languages of each author
(Italian) and into the languages of of all involved countries ( Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian, Finnish).
- Teacher: Luca Ferrari
- Teacher: Stefano Girotti
- Teacher: Luigi Guerra
- Teacher: Roberto Mandrioli
- Teacher: Laura Mercolini
- Teacher: Michele Protti
- Teacher: Luca Ferrari
- Teacher: Stefano Girotti
- Teacher: Luigi Guerra
- Teacher: Roberto Mandrioli
- Teacher: Laura Mercolini
- Teacher: Michele Protti