Module 7. Patents and Patent Application
Module 7: Patents and Patent Application
Date of release/last update: created 15-03-2016, last version 04-12.2017
Simone Mangini (UniBo)
Short descriptions
This module aims to provide basic information about the patent system and when an invention can be patentable. Concepts about patentability will be dealt with and several examples about patents in the chemistry field will be provided. The enforcement of patent rights will be also discussed.
Intended learning outcomes
Learning objectives:
- to understand the basic information about patent system
- to understand how to enforce the patent rights
- to evaluate how patents may be used
Learning outcomes:
After completing the learning of this module, students will be able to:
- recognize the basic requirements of patentability;
- recognize how the priority right works and can be used;
- identify matters that are non eligible for patent
- apply the procedures for filing and prosecuting patent
applications and of international conventions such as the PCT and the EPC;
- recognize the importance of patents
- identify how patents may be used
Module structures
7.1 European legislation, Patentability, Structure of patents, Forensic applications of patents (2 ECTS)
- Examples of patenting
- Patentability
- Priority right
- Patents in the chemistry field
- The European Patent Convention (EPC)
- The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- Importance of patenting
- Patent litigation
Estimated workload
2 ECTS: 56 hours
- Bachelor, Master and PhD students in the life sciences field
(e.g. chemistry, biotech, pharmacy etc.)
- Managers of private and public companies that deal with
- People interested in the field (a technical knowledge in
life science would be preferable)
- Available languages
- English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian, Finnish.

- Teacher: Luca Ferrari
- Teacher: Stefano Girotti
- Teacher: Luigi Guerra
- Teacher: Roberto Mandrioli
- Teacher: Laura Mercolini
- Teacher: Michele Protti